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If being killed by the murderer and getting shot in a trap count as endings, then there’s a sixth one: falling from the roof.

keep up the good work 616games

I BROKE this game! So many deaths. I also screamed way to hard at these jump scares and chase scenes!

this was probably my favorite from the 616 game list ENJOY!

I finally got my vid up (my pc crashed and I lost that hard drive.) But this game is badass! It was pretty hard at first but not too tough once you figure a few things out. Great job, dude! That was fun!

This game is amazing! Story, graphic & music made creepy atmosphere! Also the puzzle really made me curious to get all 5 endings. Cant wait for your another game!! Here my gameplay :)

ANOTHER W FROM 616! I did glitch out of the vent a few times btw this for filmed like 2 days ag

this one is fire. really like the gameplay in this one 

Great short horror game! It doesn't outstay it's welcome, the atmosphere is great and the puzzles are fun. Now onto the Trash Horror Collection I go!

Thank you bro  :)

Rafael Braza, mande um sinal para a gente nos jogos caso vc esteja em cativeiro no porão, acorrentado e sendo obrigado a desenvolver jogos.... Estamos preocupados kkkkkk O cara é uma máquina de fazer games!

socorroo! estou trabalhando forçado...

(1 edit)

kkkkkkkk isso dá uma história trasheira rsrs


Thanks :)

add quick restart when you die

tired of waiting intro

When you die, go back to the room where you're trapped.

make it little bit easier plz

Another homerun of a game!

No-commentary playthrough:

I know the page says 5 endings, but I counted 6!

I LOVE YOU 616 games :)


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