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J'ai trouvé que c'était le meilleur jeu! Je l'ai trouvé super bien et surtout super marrant, j'ai eu super peur // I thought it was the best game ever! I thought it was really good and above all really funny, I was really scared //

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J'ai beaucoup celui-ci! Mais je pense que mon jeu préféré du Volume 2 est le jeu bonus c: Les jeux 616 games sont les meilleurs // I really like this one! But I think my favourite game from Volume 2 is bonus game c: 616 games are the best //

J'ai adoré tous les jeux! J'espère qu'il y aura un Volume 4 // I loved all the games! I hope there'll be a Volume 4!

Tout simplement incroyable!

Je suis dans un bar et je regarde une jolie nana.Je la ramène chez moi et ...

Vous êtes mit en quarantaine par le gouvernement et faites en votre possible de ne pas être contaminé.

Felt a little rushed compared to the first vol.2 and the second game in the story narrative contains a potential game breaking bug in the form of not being able to exit a hiding place once inside of it, but aside from these, another enjoyable collection! 

Amazing game.

Regards :)

The game could be nice, but i didnt enjoyed it. You really got to work on the pacing of your games. There are pauses before the next event that takes WAY too long and eventually it got me too bored to go on. And ive finished most of your games and that something i noticed you tend to do, putting a slow pace where its not really needed. And i know the pacing here specifically got to do with immersion and the pandemic, but what with the graphics and the tools used by the developer the ambiance its kinda blank and its hard to fill it with stuff to keep someone interested and immersed in my opinion. You gotta fill the moments of silence with interesting things before the next event.

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Very good game,really enjoyed it!!..I really like the first tape even though it was slow but with everything that happened the last years it hitted different.And i enjoyed the tapes as a whole,more than Vol.1 but i liked the story mode more on Vol.1..I really hope you make more volumes😊can't wait!!

the story was short and sweet and scary I like the twist I cant wait to see vol 3 soon


I finally got to check this one out, and damn... what a story! That 1st one gets pretty dark and creepy. I'll be playing the other ones this weekend. Keep up the good work, my dude!

what happened to Sara in the bonus episode?

Sara turned meatloaf hahaha

plis game free :(

I had to start this series. I enjoyed this game and can't wait to play the others. 

This game seems slowly paced, nothing happening for awhile. I also keep falling through the floor.

Could you be more specific?

the sluggishness of the first game is part of the immersion as it is a widespread pandemic and people are isolated alone.

There were times where the first story would take upwards of 5 minutes to activate the next event. It tends to get boring with really nothing to inside of the place.

I've fallen through the floor on 2 occasions, when getting up from playing the game and getting out of the hiding spot. I was able to walk around under the map with no way to return.

Scared to death

Love these games!! looking forward to more 

Thank you friend.


Pretty good! However, this feels a lot more rushed than the previous volume. With a few tweaks and bug fixes this would be great! I think the bonus game is my favorite.

Thanks, I wanted to make something faster and with shorter episodes.

Hey there, my name is Zakaria but you can call me Zak, I am a YouTuber focusing on Indie Games! I had a new idea which is basically every single day I check hundreds of new released or updated games on and from a very long process of eliminations I pick up the Top Best Games! I am gald to say yours made it on the list of Top 8 Best games from total of 178 games I checked yesterday!

I have not played the game myself, but from what I have seen you have made into this game and Vol.1 too! This is a very good game! Keep it up man!


I am planning to keep doing every single day with enough support! I would appreciate it for you joining the channel and Subscribing to spread this idea even more because this ambitious idea takes a lot of energy and time to keep it going every day and a little bit of support goes the long way to motivate me to keep doing this!


I normally take game requests and do a fun crazy gameplay walkthrough! (You can watch one of my recent gameplay videos to have an idea about that in case you decided to put a game request video).


My main reason (my other reason is down below) to why I am doing this is that I have made some really good friends on the plaftorm here on and most of their games are not even being noticed despite being really good and well made! So I am doing this to give a chance for those who have great projects and make long and big efforts to their games but still don't get enough attention! I hope this can bring some value and help to you developers who deserve that appreciation!


Note: I will be copy paste most of things written here to the others who made it on the list to let them know! I like to be honest hahah, so my other reason is clearly to try to grow as a YouTuber! No content creator can deny they are trying to grow in way or another xD!

In the second episode, I can no longer crawl out from
 under the bed after the killer leaves the room.

Just wait for it to come out alone under the bed...

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I have the same issue on second episode. How long does this take? I tried waiting 15 minutes under the bed after the killer leaves and nothing happens. I also tried restarting the game and same thing. It seems like something is stuck. 

This bug has already been fixed. thanks for reporting.

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Update: I just tried the episode by itself (Game Select) and it worked. It looks like its a bug on Story Mode with the second episode and getting stuck under the bed with nothing happening.

Thanks, I'll fix that.

The problem has been solved, thanks for commenting.

I'm having the same problem on the latest version. I didn't want to just play from the menu though because I wanted to have the full story mode in my vids. Any advice for getting out from under the bed? I would feel like I was missing out if I skipped any of the story mode.