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I really love these kind of games...Poop Killer is my favourite game and I'm really glad I found 616 Games!
Horror and Comedy at the highest levels!

Check my gameplay here if need to explore the game!

Add "Trash Horror Collection 5" on Steam pls


make it free plssss


pls make the game free😭😭

PEAK thats all i gotta say... PEAK

game funny as always

How do I play it on mobile



really funny game! 616 ganes never fails to make great games

how do I buy without paypal

Great Game!

uhh. Bro may can i use another payment method. my paypal is gone.

I hope the 616 game company will activate PayPal payment and payment by card.


Every Ending 😅 

Really enjoyed this game, first game i played from 616 Games! Will definitely play more games from you all! Check out the Full game of me playing it!!

soooo the main character really sucks at hide and seek lmao - 

This game was a complete blast!!! Grab yourself a copy of this bizarre indie horror!! In the mean time check my video out...

Interresting game, fun to play. Thanks and keep making great games!!



This game was so over the top and funny. worth the playthrough



casseoh the goat


caseoh is my pookie wookie bear

Another really good game looking forward to play more of your games

Scary Scuffed Games #316

Vorgeschlagen von: Karichan86

Fart Killer ist ein prequel/sequel zu  Poopkiller und definitiv einer der "umfangreichsten" bzw. aktiveren Games, gleichzeitig ist es aber auch unfassbar langatmig und slow paced. 1h Gameplay hätte man locker auch in 15 minuten verpacken können und oft genug musste ich das Spiel neustarten weil ich aus langeweile es 2 mal geschafft habe out of Bounds zu gehen und durch die Map zu fallen.

Versteht mich nicht falsch: das Spiel ist absolut spielbar und wer pipikaka humor mag, liegt hier richtig, aber dennoch ist das Gameplay unfassbar öde und repititiv besonders im Kontrast zu Poopkiller. Kennt man einen Teil kennt man alle.

Aber hey ich liebe die Cameo von Andreas aus Frauentausch 


Dito: 2/5

Chat: 1.05/5

Gesamt: 1.53/5


They Just Keep Coming


P.S. Play EVERY game that 616Games puts out!

Dropping today at 7:30 EST time!! I loved the game 

W game

This game was super enjoyable to play W to the creator
(2 edits)


Just Played this! It was very funny, my only issue is sometimes there was like 5 minutes imbetween customers arriving so I had to edit a lot out

hello I love the fart killer game and I would like to know what the intro music please (it's really good)



Devs like what in the heck! 

I had such a fun time playing this XD 

Devs I found out that the earth is Flat thanks to this game.

The game was worth the dollar that's all I'm going to say. Great Job Devs can't believe how great the game was. Only critique is that waiting for the customer was a bit too long. But, the game and story was just too amazing!

Please play this game XD this series is its own cult phenomenon and everyone who saw me play it live enjoyed it. It's short, it's silly, and most importantly it is very well done. Kudos to the developer and I can't wait for whatever is next!


finally got round to uploading. I laughed a lot in this game and I got spooked. Nicely done 616 games! Here is my playthrough

Poop killer came in clutch

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