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Fantastic game as usual, a real pleasure to play.  Good job!

Scary Scuffed Games #351

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Vorgeschlagen von: nox_9000

Ich werde nie wieder ein 616 Game anfassen.

wie alles andere auch, slapped die Musik aber die Games sind die Ikonen der Trash games, leider nur nicht im positivem Sinne, denn es ist leider furz langweilig und stumpf. sayonara doitsu

Ich werde hier auch garkeine weitere konstruktive Kritik mehr äußern, denn 616 versucht gar nicht "gute" spiele zu machen, und dennoch funktioniert es. Also warum sollte man versuchen ein gut laufendes konzept zu ändern. Stumpf ist trumpf, wer drauf steht: bittesehr, aber ich bin hier raus und habe keine erwartungen oder hoffnungen mehr.


Dito: 1.8/5

Chat: 1.16/5

Gesamt: 1.48/5

I've played several games from this developer, and this one is by far the most enjoyable. The "1995" filter fits perfectly with the atmosphere and adds a nice bloom effect to the sky.

i think this is my last game of 616 games i think i have ran out now of games lol 

Really enjoyed this game!! =) 


I did not understand what they are doing, but nice game as usual

Creepy stuff, love it!

fun atmospheric game full of surprises it startled me a few times lol 

This lighthouse-themed game is really fun to play, enjoyed the short story and surprises along the way.  Very Spooky too.  Here is my playthrough of it.

Encountered a few bugs, but other than that. Fun spooky lighthouse game. Looking forward to playing the sequel

I played the 2nd but never played this one. I was hoping for some more back story on the family that lived here but that could be for the 3rd one you're eventually making :).

Spoiler alert: the days ended

Very cool!

Nice horror game!

Very cool game! We are really Enjoying the Trash Horror Collection. Can't Wait to play another one!

:D ... island too large so i don't know go where. But gameplay OKe . Thank you for this game !

Had fun running this one even if I made some mistakes.

Great game!! Had fun playing this one and i liked the atmosphere!

Another great game, very enjoyable.  You nailed the atmosphere and the story line was great.  I'm glad the game keep going when I expected it to end.


Had a blast playing this !! (part of Trash Horror Collection (on steam)

I'll download it now. It's great!


This was a fun one to play through! Some elements very much reminded me of No One Lives Under The Lighthouse. Great job.


Thanks CJU, I was really inspired by "No One Lives Under The Lighthouse" and the 2019 movie "The Lighthouse".

Excellent game. One of my favorites from you. Sorry about the audio on my end. I had a bit of reverb turned on accidentally. Woopsers!

The game is mysterious and terrifying, a perfect combination for a VHS-style horror game!. Good job!

I like the slow build up in this one. It was creepy before anything creepy even happened haha. The ending was cool too. I wasn't sure what was gonna happen but I knew it was gonna be weird! Good stuff, my man. Thanks for the fun!


Glad you liked it my friend, I didn't want to extend the game any longer so it wouldn't get boring hahaha...


No-commentary playthrough: 

The desolate island where this game takes place is perfect for the unsettling events that unfold throughout the course of the game. And while the focus is definitely on telling a story and making sure the player goes from beginning to end in one sitting, it is possible to die. So don't totally let your guard down!

Well worth the asking price! 


Thank you so much my friend for always supporting my work <3


Absolutely! Whenever I see a new 616 game pop up I know it's going to be a fun one!