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i dig this game. another better 616 games. but why was the killer naked lol 

Would you like help developing the game?

is the end of the game you die in the basement with your dad? cause i died and it said retry and the game restarted from the beginning

it's bug

ohhhhh lol ok 

I think dev fixed the problem

you can re-download and try again

Absolutely an amazing game and i like what you did with the characters but crazy as F, well done 616 games ;)   i am not going to ruin the game but if you want to watch here it is 

save system not working properly

what device you using ?

Hm... i was not able to press ,,E,, fast enough I think. Suddenly I was dead and the game starts from the beginning?

works fine for me mate

me too

Do I have to press the E button once or as fast as possible?

i did both mate i held it at first then pressed fast ;)

Guys, I noticed that there really is a problem for some people in this part of the game. I'm carrying out an update and I'll launch it shortly.

MAYBE this is your best game so far, at least amongst those that are inspired by slasher movies. Excellent work!

haha yes but did you play it as you would of seen a massive add to it that stands out ;) amazing game

Eh? I'm sorry, I didn't understand a thing...

what the heck are you saying? "massive add to it?"
huh? use English properly

Downloaded and ready to play ;)

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