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was so amazing , great job as always!! 

Another great game!...I was so creeped out the whole time😅

Nice game, I wish there wasn't a lot of pauses in-between. Overall I liked it :)

nice atmosphere and some good scares. Definitely had me on edge.

Bloody Woman | I’m in danger and they want laundry | Indie Horror Game


616 Games you have done it again! Awesome job...a ton of fun to play. As always if it's a 616 games it is a MUST play! 


I love this game!

Another 616 Banger
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I loved this, thanks dev!

Jump scares were pretty good, just wish there more of them. Otherwise pretty good and here's my video

HUGE fan. Love simple games like this. 

Had a lot of fun playing this game and exploring a familiar setting. I played another one of your games, I think it was Red Valley? Yeah, Red Valley. Loved that one very much, as much as I love this one.  I did a video on both games. 

Made a shorts out of this game! Of the door attacking me

This gameplay was actually pretty interesting with a good plot. Just wish it had a little more jump scares. 

Here's my gameplay:

This was a very interesting game, really did keep me on edge. Never fail to make me jump at them jumpscares.
I had great fun with this game! 
Here is my playthrough, with my final thoughts at the end! 

I saw Dashie play this it's a really great game but can you please tell me The song in the beginning it's dope!!!

black rainbows by Karl Casey!

hey i saw dashiegames play this and i loved it but I WANT THE THEME SONG ITS SO GOOD!

black rainbows by Karl Casey

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Is this really the song? does not seem to be like the one in the menu screen. 

im looking for the song that played in the trailer as well.

Any chance you know the song that is playing on the radio in the game? Its used in some of their other games as well

Excellent work, as always!

Dope game


W game

Enjoyable game. Only complaint is the dude knew she was coming so why not leave! 🤣


Why you put the Z on the Wilson tshirt?

Late here, but I'm wondering that too. I hope it's not for the reason I suspect it might be...

Great Game! I Enjoyed it. Here's gameplay if yall are interested! If you enjoyed or liked my video please consider liking and subscribing to my channel! Thanks!

cool little game, the only thing i didnt like is that i felt like there was a lot of waiting around for stuff to happen. but other than that it was good! 

Merci pour ce nouveau jeu toujours au top !

Bonne ambiance, j ai beaucoup aimer

bon travail

That ending got me good haha. That was definitely a creepy one. Those customers just left me there to die! Thanks for the fun, my friend!

At first I was like, ain’t no one gonna hurt me, I’m cool. I was dead wrong! Great game as usual! 

ATTENTION: I just fixed the bug that didn't finish the game... I also fixed the port that was a little strange.

Can you tell me the intro song ? Please

(1 edit) (+1)

bug game does not finish

sorry i'll fix it now...


Great game had me on the edge of my seat at ever turn and sound xD

LOVED THIS! Reminded me a lot of Bloodwash with a 616 Games twist on it!!

Loved the game. Cant wait for the next one 616 Games!!


Although the concept of 'working late at night at [INSERT SHOP HERE] has probably gone past the saturation point now, it's always good to see a 616 game. Instantly makes you feel you're in an 80's horror movie. 

With games like 'Rewind or Die' out on the scene at the moment, feel like this could have been explored a little more - the Bloody Woman's storyline, or having a short cause a fire in the laundromat. 


  • Sets the scene immediately and gets you full into the lore and story of the Bloody Woman.
  • Slow build-up and tension
  • Strange characters and interactions


  • Think the door needed to open outwards of the laundromat instead of inwards. Bloody door kept on swinging open and closed anytime you went near it!
  • A lot of the words were repeated or sentence structure in dialogue may have needed a little proofreading. Didn't slip off the tongue very well
  • The jump scare didn't really hit home for me. Knew it was coming (Can you actually run away from her?)

Overall, although it didn't have the scare factor that I was anticipating, another job well done!

This was awesome! ill be playing alot more 616 games

this game got me real good i love it 


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I was hoping that we could save her soul with the fire extinguisher. Like if she caught the laundromat on fire and we put it out and save her soul. Something like that :). She ran so fast I couldn't even react. I want a rematch in the boxing ring. Enjoyed the game though, I love the lines though, everyone is like gtfo.

bloody hell!!! dont work at a haunted laundromat
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